

REGISTRATION YEAR: As a winter wheat variety developed by adaptation and selection works in 2005.
MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS: The spike is white, awned and compact. The plant height is 85-95 cm. The grain is strong, red and medium large.
AGRICULTURAL CHARACTERS: The variety is winter wheat and medium early. The resistance to winterkilling and drought is very good. It has high productive tillering and high yield. The plant height is medium, so it has resistance to lodging. It characteristics are high genetic potential for grain yield. The grain yield is about 5500-7500 kg/ha. It is suitable for growing on fertile and less fertile soils. Favorable planting rate is between 450-550 g seeds/m2 and nitrogen fertilization is about 120-150 kg/ha pure N.
PATHOLOGY CHARACTERS: The variety has to shattering and medium resistant to powdery mildew. It has medium susceptible to leaf rust and tolerant to root rot.
GRAIN QUALITY: The grain quality is good. It has milling and baking quality. The mass of 1000 grains is about 36-40 g, volumic mass of grain 76-80 kg. Some quality characters are about protein 11-12%, sedimentation 40-50 ml, gluten 26-33%, gluten index 85-95%, absorbsion 60-65% and energy value 320-350.