

​​REGISTRATION YEAR: As a winter wheat variety developed by crossing in 2009.
MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS: The spike is white, smooth, awnless and compact. The plant height is 90-95 cm. The grain is long-oval, strong, red and very large.
AGRICULTURAL CHARACTERS: The variety is winter wheat and early. The resistance to winterkilling is good. It has medium tillering. The plant height is medium-high, so it has tolerance to lodging. It has medium genetic potential for grain yield. Genetic yield potential is about 5500-6500 kg/ha. It is suitable for growing on fertile and less fertile soils. Planting rate is between 450-500 g seed/m2 and nitrogen fertilization is about 12-15 kg/da pure N.
PATHOLOGY CHARACTERS: The variety has to shattering and medium resistant to powdery mildew. It has resistance to leaf rust and susceptible to root rot.
QUALITY CHARACTERS: The grain quality is very excellent. It has milling and baking quality. The mass of 1000 grains is about 38-42 g, volumic mass of grain 78-82 kg. Some quality characters is about protein 13-14%, sedimentation 50-60 ml., gluten 40-50%, gluten index 85-95%, abs. 60-65%, and energy value 270-300.