Our Mission

    -Conducting agricultural research on product groups which are suitable for agricultural properties and priorities of the region
    -Participating as an implementer or coordinator in interregional research projects
    -Developing collaboration with public- private research organizations of the region and universities
    -Identifying the problems restricting the production of economically important products or product groups in the region and planning and programming research, writing and conducting projects to overcome these problems
    -Programming and conducting research under producers' conditions to transfer research findings rapidly into practice at regional level; helping provincial directorates to prepare and interpret demonstration programs
    -Conducting research on determination, protection, and utilization of plant diversity in Turkey
    -Conducting research on improvement of new varieties with high yield, high quality, resistance to biotic and abiotic stress conditions and on agricultural practices
    -Conducting apicultural research, forming colonies
    -Production of certified seeds and saplings of registered varieties, and queen bee
    -Conducting trials under farmers' conditions and organizing information exchange meetings to transfer research findings into practice rapidly and effectively​