
Directorate of Plant Protection Research Institute wasestablished in 1954 depending on the General Directorate of Agricultural Affairs as Elazığ Plant Protection Research Institute.

In 1955, Diyarbakır Temporary Sunn Research Station wase stablished depending on the Elazığ Plant Protection Research Institute.

According to the Plant Protectionand Agricultural Quarantine Lawwhich was accepted in 15.05.1957; organizational structure has revised as Elazığ Regional Plant Protection Research Institute and continuedto it's activities. In 1958 theinstitute has beenmoved from Elazığ province to Diyarbakır provincecenter.

Plant Protection Research Institute still carries out duties in Diyarbakır province, silvan road, 7th km.

Territorial Mission Area: Whole Territory

Regionalmissionarea: Diyarbakır, Adıyaman, Şanlıurfa, Siirt, Elazığ, Bitlis, Van, Batman, Mardin, Şırnak, Malatya, Bingöl, Hakkari, Muş

Provinces which are included in 2010: Ağrı, Ardahan, Artvin, Bayburt, Erzincan, Erzurum, Giresun, Gümüşhane, Iğdır, Kars, Ordu, Rize andTrabzon.

TaskThreads: Management With Plant Pestand Diseases

Territorial Tasksand Regional Tasks

1. Being an expertise center to the Organic Agriculture and Good Agricultural Practices to protect public health and environment.

2. Conducting studies on pests which are harmful on cultivation plants; identification, detection of prevalence, distribution and damage, determination of economical damage level and threshold, durability researches, monitoring physiological disease effects, determination of management methods,

3. Conducting researches on integrated pest management, biological management and forecasting and early warning topics.

4. Conducting researches on risks and residues of pesticides on environment and public health,

5. Searching resistance situations of pests against pesticides and also side effects of pesticides to the beneficial organisms,

6. Conducting researches on plant protection machinery and equipment,

7. Determining territorial tolerance lists of pesticides according to research results and developments in the world,

8. Conducting researches about protection of fauna and micro flora agents, preservation, collection, inventory, use and taxonomy,

9. Developing fast detection methods to the diseases subjected to quarantine and preparing pest risk analyses,

10. Preparing; Plant Protection Technical Instructions, Integrated Management Technical Instructions, Standard Pesticide Trial Methods, Standard Side Effect Trial Methods, 

11. Taking responsibility in authorization commissions of plant protection products, auditing biological activity trials

12. Conducting researches on determination of effects of climate change on pest and diseases.

13. Monitoring developments, making observations, preparing reports, providing reports to decision-makers for anti-crisis measures related to plant diseases and pests,