Activities are being conducted in the fields of warm climate crops (maize, sorghum etc.,), subtropical crops (wheat), industrial plants (soybean, sesame, peanut, cotton etc.,), grass, pasture and forage crops available in the region or the adapted other field crops species in the field crops department.

-Breeding (qualified line development, standard and hybrid variety development, resistance breeding against to the biotic and abiotic stress conditions)

-Cultivation techniques,

-Collection and protection of the gene resources,

-Agricultural mechanization

Also, public and private sector test and controls, cooperation with the private sector purposing the breeding study, production of the elite and original grade seeds belong to the developed species, testing of the species for registration, training activities are being conducted.

In consequence of the breeding studies in the department; 16 maize hybrids ( 4 resistant to the maize corn borers, 3 silage maize, 3 popcorn, 2 white grain, 3 yellow grain, 1 sweet corn) and 15 maize inbred lines, 6 peanut varieties, 5 soybean varieties, 9 sorghum varieties ( 4 grain, 5 silage), 6 sesame varieties and 1 cotton variety were registered.​